Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Auto Shipping by State: Texas

If you're looking for auto shipping services to or from the state of Texas, you're definitely reading the right blog! Texas is a huge state - there's no denying that, and your auto transport quotes and prices will most likely vary wildly not just from one company to the next, but also depending on where exactly you're shipping to in Texas.

Cities like Austin, Dallas and Houston are popular because they're large cities with major metropolitan areas, and lots of people ship their vehicles to and from those particular cities each year. But what about cities like El Paso, or Wichita Falls? These can be more difficult to ship a vehicle to - but for various reason. El Paso is difficult because it's located near the international border with Mexico, and it's relatively out of the way as far as auto shipping carriers are concerned; Wichita Falls, on the other hand, is on the other side of the state, yet  still a relatively small town that shippers don't like going to. 

You can fill out our free online quote request form and get multiple free quotes from reputable and reliable car shipping companies, and you can also read more about the great state of Texas by reading our auto shipping to Texas page on our website.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Auto Shipping Testimonials from Real Customers

In the car shipping industry, it can be hard - sometimes really hard - to find a reputable, reliable and secure auto transport company to ship your vehicle, especially if you're shipping to or from a hard-to-reach location or you're shipping a car that not a lot of carriers can haul for whatever reason. The larger, heavier or more awkward a vehicle is, the harder a time you'll have of shipping it - it goes the same if you're shipping to or from hard-to-reach locations or areas that are otherwise difficult to get to or from for shipping companies.

So before you pay out a ton of money to have someone try and ship your car, you should probably check out our Auto Shipper Testimonials and get an idea as to what they look like and what you should really be searching for. Testimonials are a great way to gauge the overall experience, worth and reliability of a car shipping company that you're looking to ship your vehicle with. Check it out, and you can also fill out our free form and see what we can do in regards to finding a great vehicle shipper for your needs.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

City Spotlight: Kansas City Auto Shipping

Now, in article, we're discussing Kansas City, MO, not Kansas City, KS - it's easy to confuse the two, especially considering they're really, really close to each other (and really, when it comes down to it, it probably won't cost you an arm and a leg to ship to either of them). Kansas City is a popular auto transport city, especially during the spring and fall months when the weather is more rainy than anything else.

Snow and ice are not friends of auto shippers, so they try and avoid them. Kansas City is great for avoiding snow and ice, on the whole, especially before the deep winter sets in - but even in the winter months it's not that difficult to ship a vehicle to or from the city. You can learn more about Kansas City by reading our auto shipping to Kansas City article, and you can always get free vehicle shipping quotes by visiting our website.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The FAQ's: Pickup Times and Dates

In the auto shipping industry, there's a lot of talk about guaranteed this, and guaranteed that, and finding a carrier to ship specifically on such-and-such a date. Customers want auto transport on demand, and get upset when most shipping companies tell them they can't guarantee a pickup date because it's impossible to 100% guarantee pickup.

The reason for this is that most car shippers schedule their pickup windows for their customers at least a few days out, and - if you've ever tried to host a holiday meal with the extended family - planning everything out a week or two in advance invites a lot of opportunity for change to occur. It's this same principle that is at work behind auto transport pickup - there are so many variables that go into your auto transport pickup date that there's no guarantee they'll get there on that day. Traffic, mechanical problems, problems with another pickup or delivery - these are just some of the things that can delay an auto transport carrier.

If you're REALLY in a rush, some shippers can find a local tow company to pick it up and tow it to a specific pickup location that a nationwide carrier can pickup from at their convenience, but that's something that you would need to speak about with your auto transport company. You can read more about guaranteed pickup times and dates thanks to our helpful auto shipper FAQ page on our official website.