Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The FAQ's: Will My Vehicle be Driven?

This is a question we get asked about a lot - "will my vehicle be driven if I book with an auto transport company?" And to start, no, your vehicle won't be driven from the pickup to the delivery location. It will be loaded onto the back of an auto transport truck, which will secure it and then transport it - without driving it - to the delivery city. There's no Ferris Bueler moments when it comes to auto transport, not only because it's illegal and will most definitely carry huge penalties, but drivers could lose their licenses - and they won't risk that.

It will, however, need to be driven onto and off of the truck, but you're going to be there watching the driver as he drive it on and off at pickup and delivery, so there's really no worries there. I mean, how else do you expect them to get it onto the truck? 

So I guess, technically, yes, your vehicle will be driven, but it's only going to be like 30 feet all told, so there's really no worries in regards to that aspect of it. The driver will only drive it onto the truck and then back off, and that's it. You can read more about this subject thanks to our handy car transport FAQ.

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