Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The FAQ's: Pickup Times and Dates

In the auto shipping industry, there's a lot of talk about guaranteed this, and guaranteed that, and finding a carrier to ship specifically on such-and-such a date. Customers want auto transport on demand, and get upset when most shipping companies tell them they can't guarantee a pickup date because it's impossible to 100% guarantee pickup.

The reason for this is that most car shippers schedule their pickup windows for their customers at least a few days out, and - if you've ever tried to host a holiday meal with the extended family - planning everything out a week or two in advance invites a lot of opportunity for change to occur. It's this same principle that is at work behind auto transport pickup - there are so many variables that go into your auto transport pickup date that there's no guarantee they'll get there on that day. Traffic, mechanical problems, problems with another pickup or delivery - these are just some of the things that can delay an auto transport carrier.

If you're REALLY in a rush, some shippers can find a local tow company to pick it up and tow it to a specific pickup location that a nationwide carrier can pickup from at their convenience, but that's something that you would need to speak about with your auto transport company. You can read more about guaranteed pickup times and dates thanks to our helpful auto shipper FAQ page on our official website.

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